
Christina Campbell

About Dr. Christina as Health Care Professional

Dr. Christina Campbell has over 50 years of experience in the health care field as educator/consultant, researcher, and clinician:psychologist and nurse. She received her B.S. in Nursing in 1968 from the University of Florida. She worked as a nurse at many teaching hospitals in Pediatrics, medicine and psychiatry. Her interest was in helping patients cope with stress and trauma. Her research was in studying the relationship between stress and health and illness. She received a grant to conduct a study in Play preparations for children undergoing cardiac catheterization procedures at UCSF in 1970.

Additional research projects were: Perception of Stress by staff while working in an adolescent millieu, Langly Porter Psychiatric Hospital, San Francisco, California. A treatment outcome study of Hospice care was conducted at various hospices in the Bay Area. In this study, she looked at styles of coping with stress and the relationship to the onset of cancer. Both studies received awards. She also helped nurses develop research projects as part of a national grant at Stanford Medical Center.

She received her M.S. in Community Health Nursing from San Francisco State University in 1977. After receiving her Masters, she taught Psychiatric/Mental Health and Community Nursing at University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Dominican University. She received her doctorate in Educational Psychology Counseling from the University of San Francisco in 1984. Her internship was in dual diagnosis in a Professional clinic for addiction and mental disorders, patients were privately referred from the federal prison system.

She was credentialed as a Clinical Specialist in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing in 1982 and received her license as a psychologist in 1992. She then taught courses in psychology and integral health at John F. Kennedy University and the California Institute of Integral Studies.

About the Author: Dance of Psyche: Rhythm of Consciousness

Dr. Christina….

Inspired by the vitality in Greek Music and dance, she studied and performed ethnic dances including classical Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Egyptian, Tunisian, Flaminko, and Greek dance. She has integrated dance and dance therapy artistically and clinically throughout her career. Her passion combines interests in dance as healing art and trauma psychology.

Through rhythm in dance and through dreams, she brings a message about survival. Christina creates and performs authentic dance pieces based on psychological and social issues and perspectives, such as her moving and profound works, ‘Dances of Psyche.” In Guernica: the Nazi and the Roma, she treats violence, trauma, and alienation in society. Named after Picasso’s painting of the Nazi invasion of Spain, Guernica conveys the horror of war, and was foretelling of the neo-Nazi movement. In her Dance of Gentle Sorrow, she expresses grief and rage at the loss of life and child. In her Fire dance, she celebrates life, and the natural forms and forces of fire and wind, showing the life force of the dance. In her last dance Venus: Goddess of Love and Peace, an exstatic dance celebrating the sacred light, and this energy is offered to the audience.

She was formerly in private practice in Sausalito, California: Health Psychology: Healing Arts and Sciences for the treatment of stress and trauma. She integrated contemporary psychology and ancient ideas: EMDR, dreams, and the arts to help with issues of survival. Courses in Trauma psychology are taught to mental health professionals, nurses, fire-fighters and the general public. Presentations/book signing and concerts will be available in the near future.